lastblossom a publié une critique de In The Hall With the Knife par Diana Peterfreund
It's messy and just a bit soapy, to the point where the murder almost seems like the least important thing going on.
This isn't related to the other Clue series (the one where you solve the mysteries yourself), or the other Clue series (where you solve the mysteries yourself but also you are a kid), or the other other Clue mystery series (where you solve the mysteries, but very quickly). There are a few nods to the movie, but overall it's a straight up high drama boarding school novel with an entirely new cast with no secret answer in the back pages (although as long as you're paying attention, you should be able to solve the mystery anyway). And if you like high drama boarding school novels, this will probably land with you. It's messy and just a bit soapy, to the point where the murder almost seems like the least important thing going on. We've got relationships, and stalkers, and complicated exes, and hidden histories, and hidden presents, and at least …
This isn't related to the other Clue series (the one where you solve the mysteries yourself), or the other Clue series (where you solve the mysteries yourself but also you are a kid), or the other other Clue mystery series (where you solve the mysteries, but very quickly). There are a few nods to the movie, but overall it's a straight up high drama boarding school novel with an entirely new cast with no secret answer in the back pages (although as long as you're paying attention, you should be able to solve the mystery anyway). And if you like high drama boarding school novels, this will probably land with you. It's messy and just a bit soapy, to the point where the murder almost seems like the least important thing going on. We've got relationships, and stalkers, and complicated exes, and hidden histories, and hidden presents, and at least one secret that I assume will culminate in a knife fight in a parking lot with Anish Kapoor and Stuart Semple. If you like your characters more complicated than the plot, this one is for you.